About the blog

We all have dreams, but we haven't all identified them. This site is about taking the time to figure out where we want to be and how we're going to get there. It is our goals that move us closer to those dreams.

What I'm doing is simple: 6 goals x 6 months.
The time is now the place is now. Let's get goaling.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Week 12

Dear Friends,

::The most important part of goaling is thinking.  I imagine thinking as a systematic way to understand and make sense of stimuli.  Stimuli is everywhere and everything.  I highlighted systematic in the first sentence because we all develop our own systems for going about thinking.  The people who get what they want are the ones who study their thoughts and optimize them to support their goals.

Each thought we have affirms something.  In order to optimize thinking, positive affirmations must outweigh the negative.   The progress I make each week with my goals is a reflections of my thinking so it is important to make sure that I am not wasting thoughts on negative affirmations.  My challenge to you is to make every thought count this week::

Gain 10 lbs of muscle
What have you done for me lately?: 
I was a success in my action plan last week which was to lift heavy 4 days, eat 5 meals/day, basketball twice, and yoga once.  This week I expect the same.
Weekly Action Plan (WAP)!:
Lift heavy 4 days this week, eat 5 meals per day, play basketball, and go to yoga

Save an extra $2,000
What have you done for me lately?:
I'm still a non-smoker :) it's been 45 days give or take since I put out that last butt in an effort to preserve health and save money.  My plan last week was to start Rich Dad, Poor Dad, a book on financial literacy.  I've picked up some great knowledge already just from the first few chapters.   
Weekly Action Plan (WAP)!:
  Continue listening to Rich Dad, Poor Dad audiobook

Spend 200 hours learning and/or practicing Spanish
Weekly Action Plan (WAP)!:
Read a minimum of five articles on Nulu.com
Read 12 books
What have you done for me lately?:
Last week's action plan was read at least 150 pages.  I ended up reading about 100 pages and finishing the second Hunger Games book which was just OK.  I'll read 100 pages next week from a book that is still to be decided.
Weekly Action Plan (WAP)!:
Read 100 pages

W  o  r  d  s   to   p  o  n  d  e  r

“Every thought we think is creating our future. ”
― Louise Hay 

 Michael Love

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