About the blog

We all have dreams, but we haven't all identified them. This site is about taking the time to figure out where we want to be and how we're going to get there. It is our goals that move us closer to those dreams.

What I'm doing is simple: 6 goals x 6 months.
The time is now the place is now. Let's get goaling.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 11

Dear Friends,

::From me::
 One of the biggest excuses is time.  Time is a cop out.  It is a safe answer to a lot ofs frustrating question (Why haven't you started Project X?).  It's safe because people understand and almost expect others to have no time for new things.  The thought process is that we never stop being busy until we die.  HOWEVER -not all of our seconds are accounted for.  There is time to work on the new project because there is time to do nothing -- "Doing-nothing-time" may be disguised as watching TV, poking around on Facebook, or insert your own place-holding activity. 

I thought I had no time to do these goals, but I somehow had time to watch a few movies a week, spend time on Facebook, etc.  If you're like me and never have time to start a new project then try giving yourself the feeling of progress.  Progress can light the match to your bottle rocket and get you going FAST.

::To you::
Imagine what it feels like to complete a new project that you haven't started.  Pride, excitement, joy?  Next, take a single action towards that project and reflect on how it felt.  For instance, if you want to lose weight, then workout once.  A lot of the time this can be enough to move you to more progress. 

Goal 1: To change 30 lives
Weekly Action Plan (WAP)!:
Nothing this week

Goal 2: To gain 10 lbs of muscle

What have you done for me lately?: 
I was supposed to lift heavy 5 days, eat 5 meals/day, basketball twice, yoga once.  I lifted heavy 3 days,  hours, went to yoga, and played basketball one day. 

Weekly Action Plan (WAP)!:
Lift heavy 4 days this week, eat 5 meals per day, play basketball, and go to yoga

Goal 3: to save an extra $2,000

What have you done for me lately?:
I'm still a non-smoker :)
I have a set amount of savings that I am committed to setting aside each month.
Weekly Action Plan (WAP)!:
 Listen to Rich Dad, Poor Dad audiobook
Goal 4: To develop and present a business plan to FIVE investors

Weekly Action Plan (WAP)!:
Nothing this week

Goal 5: To spend 200 hours learning and/or practicing Spanish
Weekly Action Plan (WAP)!:
Read a minimum of five articles on Nulu.com before Wednesday
Goal 6: To read 12 books

What have you done for me lately?:
Last week's action plan was read at least 100 pages.  I ended up reading more than 150 pages and finishing my 6th book, Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Cuelo.  Excellent story with an excellent perspective on mental health.
Weekly Action Plan (WAP)!:
Read 150 pages

W  o  r  d  s   to   p  o  n  d  e  r
 "Time is what we want most, but what we use worst."
William Penn

"Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week’s value out of a year while another man gets a full year’s value out of a week."
Charles Richards

"The key is in not spending time, but in investing it."
Stephen R. Covey

"Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much can be done if we are always doing."
Thomas Jefferson

 Michael Love

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